Pet Sitter Pro!
Pet Sitter Category: Cat Sitting, Vacation Pet Visits, Dog Walking, Injections, Medication (pills and topical), Mid-day visits, Overnight Pet Sitting, Pet CPR, Pet Medical After-Care Services, Pet Nutrition Counseling, Pet Sitting, Pet Transport, Pooper Scooper, and Sub Q Fluids Administration
Sabrina has been a professional pet sitter for over 12 years. Her background is in rescue, so she has a soft spot for America’s most maligned breed, the pit bull. While she enjoys caring for all pets, she also specializes in caring for cats, seniors, and those with medical needs.
The biggest priority of Pet Sitter Pro! is to provide your pets with the level of care they expect from you. So whether you are going on safari for a month in Africa, or just have a late night at the office, your pets care will continue, uninterrupted, until you get home.